Charles Kaufman art and paintings
Telefon: 06224 13814
"In a Hotel"
von Charles Kaufman

80 x 120 cm
Acryl auf Leinwand.

Figurative Art and Paintings by Charles Kaufman - "1,2,3 Women"
Art and Paintings by Charles Kaufman- Note the brushstrokes and blending of the paints in these close-up, detail views.
Art and Paintings by Charles Kaufman- Note the brushstrokes and blending of the paints in these close-up, detail views.
Giclee auf Leinwand?
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Art Books
"Five Hundred and Forty Women" und "Sketches"
Kunstbucher von Charles Kaufman.
"Five Hundred and Forty Women", New Art book by Charles Kaufman Art Book "Sketches" by Charles Kaufman
Art Store.
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